Books by Swamiji
Important Notice:
The books written and published during last several years are available on this website. This is done with purely non-commercial motive and with the sole objective of giving benefit through dissemination of spiritual knowledge to all the aspirants anywhere in the world seeking self-realization and eternal bliss. Therefore, the books uploaded on this website are kept freely downloadable. We do not seek anything from anybody except their happiness and enlightenment, but we do expect that books downloaded from this website must not be put on any other website/blog by any individual / organisation / web administrator, nor the books can be re-published. However, if one wants to give the reference of any book existing on this website on his non-commercial spiritual related website/ blog/magazine/book/journal then one may use the URL/Link of a book after getting prior permission through email by writing to [email protected] You can read them online or download them, using the download tab in the status column.
After Swamiji’s Maha Samadhi in 2014, most of these books were republished as a six volume selected works set.
Limited printed copies of some of these volumes (Listed below) are available for free distribution to genuine devotees, until stocks last. If you require any of these books, please send us a mail to [email protected], with your name, full address with Pin code and mobile number. Subject to availability at the time of request, the books will be sent by registered post parcel free of cost. Books will be sent only to Indian addresses and there is no arrangement for sending the books to overseas addresses.
A limited number of printed copies are available in respect of the following books:
- Selected works Volumes 1,2,4,5 and 6
- Divine Compassion - autobiography of Swami Purushottamananda
- Sadhanas from Upadesa Saram
- Sadhanas from Guru Vachaka Kovai and
- Quintessence of Practical Sadhana – Thoughts for the morning