Sri Shandananda Puri Maharaj

His Divine Presence

Swamiji's Quotes

  • If one is following a path that begins to bring about spiritual awakening, some degree of bliss and joy can be experienced from the very early stages of sadhana.

  • It is only the Guru who can give you right vision, right thinking and right understanding.

  • Be thankful always for a slight glimpse of the bird, even if the song is not heard.

  • It is mainly the Grace of God or Guru which takes one to God Realisation, but one’s own efforts in the form of Sadhana are essential in order to draw the Grace which is ever flowing.

  • Love God to the exclusion of everything else. Be obsessed and possessed by God day and night. Think of Him constantly and chant His name. All your impurities will dissolve and God will reveal Himself.

  • Truth is to be attained in silence by an introverted mind. That is what is to be done! Otherwise, we will be lost in the jungle of words.

  • If one is following a path that begins to bring about spiritual awakening, some degree of bliss and joy can be experienced from the very early stages of sadhana.

  • It is only the Guru who can give you right vision, right thinking and right understanding.

  • Be thankful always for a slight glimpse of the bird, even if the song is not heard.

Satsang with Swamiji

Our Master's Voice

Who is a Guru and what does He do


Books by Swamiji

Instant Self Awareness Talks on Ashtavakra Gita Gitas Stitha Prajna Darshan Quantum Leap into the Absolute Musings of a Himalayan Monk Infallible Vedic Remedies Mantras for Common Problems